Medieval Islamic Civilization: An Encyclopedia


(Routledge Encyclopedias of the Middle Ages)By Josef W. Meri

Publisher: Routledge
Pages: 878, Publication Date: 2005-10-31
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0415966906
PDF -> WinRAR -> 9,06 MB

Islamic civilization flourished in the Middle Ages across a vast geographical area that spans today's Middle and Near East. Islamic civilization during that era was a thriving society whose contributions in diverse fields as science, medicine, mathematics, literature, and philosophy left an indelible mark on Europe.

Medieval Islamic Civilization examines the socio-cultural history of the regions where Islam took hold between the 7th and 16th century. This important two-volume work contains over 700 alphabetically arranged entries, contributed and signed by international scholars and experts in fields such as Arabic languages, Arabic literature, architecture, art history, history, history of science, Islamic arts, Islamic studies, Middle Eastern studies, Near Eastern studies, politics, religion, Semitic studies, theology, and more.

This reference provides an exhaustive and vivid portrait of Islamic civilization including the many scientific, artistic, and religious developments as well as all aspects of daily life and culture. Entries also explore the importance of interfaith relations and the permeation of persons, ideas, and objects across geographical and intellectual boundaries between Europe and the Islamic world.

From the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus to Christian merchants and the Qur'an to Fatima bint Muhammad, Medieval Islamic Civilization brings together in one authoritative resource all aspects of Islamic civilization during the Middle Ages. Accessible to the non-specialist, this resource will be of great use in research and to understand the roots of today's Islamic society as well as to explore the rich and vivid culture of medieval Islamic civilization.

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The Qur'an: An Encyclopedia


By Oliver Leaman

Publisher: Routledge
Pages: 771, Publication Date: 2005-12-16
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0415326397
ZIPed PDF ebook, high quality, with bookmarks 

The Qur'an is the source of inspiration for one of the world's major religions, followed today by over a billion people. It plays a central role in Islam and ever since it appeared fourteen hundred years ago it has been the subject of intense debate. Some of this has been carried out by Muslims and some by those hostile or indifferent to Islam, producing a very wide range of views.

Authored by forty-three international experts, The Qur'an: An Encyclopedia presents this diversity of thought, approach, and school without priority, in order to give a strong appreciation of the range of response that the text has provoked throughout its history, and provides students and researchers with a powerful one-volume resource covering all aspects of the text and its reception.

Islam and the Qur'an are much in the news today. There is a public debate going on in which things are said about the Qur'an without much knowledge or understanding of the book. Every effort has been made to help the reader use the Encyclopedia as an investigative tool in Qur'anic studies. The volume assumes no previous knowledge of the Qur'an, Islam, or Arabic.

Technical terms are explained in the text itself and the style of each entry is designed to be as self-contained as possible. Entries are cross-referenced and many include a brief bibliography. At the end of the work there is a substantial annotated bibliography providing a detailed guide to the most significant books, journals, and articles in Qur'anic Studies. There is a full index.

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Midaq Alley


By Naguib Mahfouz

Publisher: Anchor
Pages: 304, Publication Date: 1992-01-01
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0385264763
rar'd pdf, 0.607 MB 

Never has Nobel Prize-winner Naguib Mahfouz's talent for rich and luxurious storytelling been more evident than in this outstanding novel, first published in Arabic in 1947. One of his most popular books (and considered by many to be one of his best), Midaq Alley centers around the residents of one of the teeming back alleys of Cairo.

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A Concise Encyclopedia of Islam


By Gordon Newby

Publisher: Oneworld Publications
Pages: 256, Publication Date: 2002-06-25
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1851682953
2.75 MB rar'd pdf with bookmarks

This concise reference guide is designed specifically for readers and students who wish to learn more about the world's fastest-growing religion. Fully illustrated, the encyclopedia contains hundreds of alphabetically arranged entries which give succinct yet authoritative information on everything from the Qur'an and its origins to the role of Islam in the USA.

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Iran: Open Hearts in A Closed Land


By Mark Bradley

Publisher: Authentic
Pages: 130, Publication Date: 2008-01-01
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1850787700
5.4 mb rar.ed pdf.

This accessible book looks at why Iranian Muslims are turning to Christ more than other Muslim sects. Mark Bradley first delves into why Iran is such a closed land to the gospel and why one would expect the number of Muslims converting to Christianity to have declined.

Acutally, the opposite has happened, and in the second half of the book the author examines why ordinary Iranians are so open to Jesus. It explains how their revolution in 1979 brought war, economic chaos, and totalitarianism. That event has made Iranians deeply dislliusioned and led them to question the religion used to justify the government's policies.

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Encyclopedia of Canonical Hadith


By Juynboll, G.H.A.

Publisher: BRILL
Pages: 1000, Publication Date: 2007-11-30
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 9004156747
Rar'd PDF ~ 4.4 MB's Bookmarked

This encyclopedic work on Islam comprises English translations of all canonical adths, complete with their respective chains of transmission (isnds).

This encyclopedic work on Islam comprises English translations of all canonical ḥadīths, complete with their respective chains of transmission (isnāds).
By conflating the variant versions of the same ḥadīth, the repetitiveness of its literature has been kept wherever possible to a minimum. The latest methods of isnād analysis, described in the general introduction, have been employed in an attempt to identify the person(s) responsible for each ḥadīth.

The book is organized in the alphabetical order of those persons. These are the so-called ‘common links’. Each of them is listed with the tradition(s) for the wording of which he can be held accountable, or with which he can at least be associated.

Within each article, the traditions are referred to in bold figures in the numerical order as they were distilled from the more than 19,000 isnāds listed in Tuḥfat al-ashrāf bi ma‘rifat al-aṭrāf by the Syrian ḥadīth scholar Yusuf b. ‘Abd ar-Raḥmān al-Mizzī (d. 742/1341).

Medieval commentaries as well as assorted biographical lexicons were drawn upon to illustrate the text of each tradition in all theological, social, legal and other noteworthy aspects discernible in it. Thus no details of eschatology, superstitions, miraculous phenomena, Jahili practices etc. were left without the clarifying comments of contemporary and later theologians, historians and ḥadīth experts culled from such works as the Fatḥ al-bārī, a major commentary of Bukhārī’s Ṣaḥīḥ by Ibn Ḥajar al-‘Asqalānī (d. 852/1448) or the commentary by Yaḥya b. Sharaf an-Nawawī (d. 676/1277) of the Ṣaḥīḥ of Muslim b. al-Ḥajjāj.

The encyclopedia concludes with an exhaustive index and glossary of names and concepts, which functions at the same time as a concordance. In short, this work presents an indispensable sourcebook of the development of Islam in all its facets during the first three centuries since its foundation as reflected in canonical ḥadīth.

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خصائص التعبير القراني وسماته البلاغية "الجزء الأول والثاني"


by: عبد العظيم إبراهيم المطعني
Two volumes in one PDF file
13,681 KB

لما كان القرآن هو معجزة الإسلام واعجازه راجع إلى بياه وأدبه و بلاغته كان اختياري لهذا الموضوع "خصائص التعبير في
القرىن الكريم وسماته البلاغية". على ان يكون خطوة على الطريق. وتجربة قابلة للتوجيه والتقويم وإن كان هناك فرق بين هذا البحث المتواضع وبين ما سبقه من بحوث فإنه يهتم بالناحية الموضوعية غالبا ولم يكتف بمجرد التمثيل على فن بلاغى أو ملحظ بياني كما صنع جله الكاتبين إلا ندرة منهم ويهتم هذا البحث كذلك بتتبع الظاهرة البيانية في القرآن مع سوق الدليل عليها، ولم يكتف بمجرد التعميم والوصف دون لفت النظر إلى الحقيقة المدروسة وتحديدها وإقامة الدليل عليها،

ومنم أبرز ما يهتم به هذا البحث الاعتماد على القرآن نفسه في استنتاج ما امكان استنتاجه بالنظر في طرق الصياغة وبالرجوع إلى اسباب النزول وبالوقوف على السابق واللاحق نزولا وبالتفريقبين ما هو مكي وما هو مدني وبقرائن الأحوال ومقتضيات المقامات ثم بالرجوع إلى الدلالات اللغوية لألفاظة من حيث اللغة في نفسها ومن حيث وجودها في سياق معين وسيرى القارئ أن هذا الطابع هو الغالب على وسيلة الدرس في هذا البحث في كثير من موضوعاته.

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PDF | Muslim Voices and Lives in the Contemporary World


By Frances Trix, John Walbridge, Linda Walbridge

Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
Pages: 192, Publication Date: 2008-04-15
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0230605362
bookmarked pdf 1.169 MB

Muslim Voices and Lives in the Contemporary World tells the stories of eleven remarkable people in the Islamic world, with each account written by an American scholar who came to know that person well.

From a religious musician in Pakistan who sings the sufferings of the saints and hopes to bring reconciliation to his country, to a visual artist from a traditional family in Egypt who wants her work to speak to the whole world, to the son of one of the greatest Shi‘ite scholars of Iraq who was murdered trying to restore peace in his city, to an Afghan aid agency manager who works to help her people in unstable times, these stories counter some of the misconceptions of Muslim women and men that exist in the Western world.

These lively and memorable accounts are distinguished by their immediacy, depth, variety, and breadth and are sure to resonate.

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Between Warrior Brother and Veiled Sister: Islamic Fundamentalism and the Politics of Patriarchy in Iran


By Minoo Moallem

Publisher: University of California PressPages: 278, Publication Date: 2005-07-11
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0520243447
ZIPed PDF ebook, high quality, with bookmarks

Minoo Moallem challenges the mainstream stereotypical representation of Islam and Muslims as backward, fanatical, and premodern by showing how Islamic nationalism and fundamentalism are by-products of modernity. Writing with a deep personal and scholarly concern for recent Iranian history, Moallem refers to the gendered notions of brother and sister as keys to understanding the invention of the Islamic ummat as a modern fraternal community.

Using magazines, novels, and films, she offers a feminist transnational analysis of contemporary Iranian culture that questions dominant binaries of modern and traditional, West and East, secular and religious, and civilized and barbaric.

Between Warrior Brother and Veiled Sister responds to a number of important questions raised in connection with 9/11. The author considers how veiling intersects with other identity markers in nation-state building and modern formations of gendered citizenship.

She shows how Islamic nationalism and fundamentalism are fed by a hybrid blend of images and myths of both pre-Islamic and Islamic Iran, as well as globally circulated patriarchal ideologies.

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Islamic Finance in the Global Economy


By Ibrahim Warde

Publisher: Edinburgh University Press
Pages: 256, Publication Date: 2000-07-15
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0748612165
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780748612161

In the past decade, Islamic finance has grown at rates exceeding 20% a year. It is now a $200 billion industry, with operations in over 70 countries. This book explains the paradox of a system rooted in the medieval era thriving in the global economy.

It traces the evolution of Islamic finance, explores its significance from a historical and comparative perspective, and considers the strategic, marketing, managerial, political, economic, regulatory and cultural challenges faced by Islamic institutions.

Based on rigorous academic research as well as considerable empirical work, this authoritative book is set to become an invaluable reference work for all those with an interest in Islamic and Middle Eastern economics, business and finance.

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Kitab Maani al-Quran (Arabic Edition) - كتاب معاني القرآن


By Said ibn Masadah Akhfash al-Awsat - أبو الحسن سعيد بن مسعدة الأخفش الأوسط

Publisher: Maktabat al-Khanji - مكتبة الخانجي
Pages: 845, Publication Date: 1990
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 9775046033
PDF, 11,625 KB

إن للقرآن الشأن الأعظم في أمر الإسلام والمسلمين، فهو هديهم في شريعتهم، وهو المنار الذي يستضاء به في اللغة العربية وأساليب البلاغة فيها، وهو المنبع الصاف الذي ينهلون منه فلسفتهم الروحية والخلقية، وهو الموجه لهم في الحياة والمعاملان وشتى المظاهر الاجتماعية. وقد تتابعت أنواع المصنفات في أحكامه وفي تفسيره وفي بلاغته وفي لغته وفي إعرابه.
وكتاب "معاني القرآن" واحد من هذه المؤلفات. وقد وضعه الأخفش الأوسط سعيد بن مسعدة البلخي المجاشعي في النصف الثاني من القرن الثاني للهجرة. ويعدّ "معني القرآن" من الكتب الأولى في دراسة القرآن الكريم، فهو وكتاب "مجاز القرآن،" لأبي عبيدة، و"معاني القرآن" للفراء، من الكتب الأولى التي كانت السباقة في خوض هذا النوع من التفاسير، وقد ألفه الأخفش بعد اتصاله بالكسائي ببغداد.
وجاء الكتاب محققاً، وجرت فيه عملية التحقيق على الوجه التالي: وضع ترجمة وافية للمؤلف، وضع مقدمة في عالم تفسير القرآن، فأخذوه من "كشاف اصطلاحات الفنون والعلوم" للتهافوي. وضع فيه حواشي الكتاب تعريفاً وافياً مع ذكر المراجع لجميع الأعلام المذكورة في المتن، تخريج جميع الشواهد الشعرية في نطاقها، تخريج الآيات القرآنية الكريمة على المعجم المفهرس لألفاظ القرآن الكريم.
كتاب مهم جداً في تفسير ما يشكل على القرّاء من الفاظ وتراكيب ومعاني القرآن الكريم، فقد شرح عدداً كبيراً من المعاني الغامضة التي يصعب فهمها على اكثر الناس. ويعدّ هذا الكتاب اضافة الى كتاب مجاز القرآن لأبي عبيدة وكتاب معاني القرآن للفراء من الكتب الأولى التي كانت السباقة في خوض هذا النوع من التفاسير، وقد ألفه الأخفش بعد اتصاله بالكسائي ببغداد.يمتاز اسلوب الكتاب بالدقة والتحرّي والسهولة والوضوح، واعتمد على اقوال العرب واشعارهم في توضيح المعاني

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Free ebooks for In the Footsteps of the Prophet: Lessons from the Life of Muhammad


By Tariq Ramadan

Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA, Pages: 256
Publication Date: 2007-02-05,  ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0195308808
rared HighQuality Scanned PDF 73 mb
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PDF created start on page 1 so that you can search on the index for a special subject by the pages shown in pdf reader. The Cover and Index added at the end of PDF. Also blank pages include to hold the page numbers in line.

Description: Named by Time magazine as one of the 100 most important innovators of the century, Tariq Ramadan is a leading Muslim scholar, with a large following especially among young European and American Muslims. Now, in his first book written for a wide audience, he offers a marvelous biography of the Prophet Muhammad, one that highlights the spiritual and ethical teachings of one of the most influential figures in human history.

Here is a fresh and perceptive look at Muhammad, capturing a life that was often eventful, gripping, and highly charged. Ramadan provides both an intimate portrait of a man who was shy, kind, but determined, as well as a dramatic chronicle of a leader who launched a great religion and inspired a vast empire. More important, Ramadan presents the main events of the Prophet's life in a way that highlights his spiritual and ethical teachings.

The book underscores the significance of the Prophet's example for some of today's most controversial issues, such as the treatment of the poor, the role of women, Islamic criminal punishments, war, racism, and relations with other religions. Selecting those facts and stories from which we can draw a profound and vivid spiritual picture, the author asks how can the Prophet's life remain--or become again--an example, a model, and an inspiration? And how can Muslims move from formalism--a fixation on ritual--toward a committed spiritual and social presence?
In this thoughtful and engaging biography, Ramadan offers Muslims a new understanding of Muhammad's life and he introduces non-Muslims not just to the story of the Prophet, but to the spiritual and ethical riches of Islam.

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Jesus in the Qur'an


By Geoffrey Parrinder

Publisher: Oneworld Publications
Pages: 190, Publication Date: 1995-05-25
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1851680942
7.59 MB rar'd pdf with bookmarks

Written for both Christians and Muslims, this book offers a modern and balanced study of qur'anic teachings about the birth, life, work, death, and resurrection of Jesus.

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The Limit Of The Awrah Of The Women To Other Muslim Women


Author Aboo Waheeda As-salafee
Language: English
Format: PDF | Pages: 30
Size: 1 MB

This is the introduction to our discussion , a small treatise discussing one important subject –it is dedicated to all the Muslim women who have even a speck of jealousy and love for their religion- and similarly to the men who are in control of households –and have some sense of jealousy and shyness regarding their sisters , their wives , and their mothers-.

And this is the topic of : What is the limit of what the woman can display in front of her sisters and the Muslim women ? Before getting into the discussion ; it is important to know the definition of some terms which will be re-appearing in this treatise InshaAllaah...

Mahram : These are relatives whom a person is not allowed to marry . Either due to blood
relationship (like the father , mother , brother, sister..) , or due to marital relations (like the
father and the grand-father in law , or the mother in law), or due to breast feeding (meaning the
person whom breast fed you she becomes your Mom , and the person who breastfed from the
same women , they become your sisters or brothers).

Awrah : This is the parts of the body which are impermissible to be displayed. It is different in
the men and the women , and It has different rulings in regards to different sets of people .
Some of them :

a. The awrah of the Men ; By agreement of the majority of the Scholars , it is what is between
the navel and the knees. In front of men or women. But covering up properly is better.

b. The awrah of Women : It has different rulings in relation to different people :
- The awrah of Women to non-Mahram men (strange men) : There are two famous opinions
from the Scholars :

1. It is all of her body.

2. It is all of her body except the face and the wrists.

The discussion for this is famous through history ; and this is not the place for that InshaAllaah.
It is worth while noting though , that all the scholars agree that it is better and most
recommended for the women to cover all her body.

- The Awrah of the Women to the Mahram : This is part of our discussion in this treatise , so
InshaAllaah it will come to be clear.
The Awrah of The Women to other Muslim Women : This is the main discussion. There are two
famous opinions between the Scholars :

1. It is like the Awrah of the men to men : meaning it was what is between the navel and the

2. It is not the same as that of the men – it is what she reveals in the normal routine of her
house ; like the head , the feet and the hands. This is what is the closest to the truth.
This is our discussion and it will be clarified with all clarity, InshaAllaah.
Note : As for between the husband and the wife : then there is no limits as to what can be seen.

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The Book of Religion and Empire


A Semi-Official Defence and Exposition of Islam Written by Order at the Court of Caliph Al-Motevakkel..... Translated with a critical apparatus from an apparently Unique MS.

By Ali ibn Sahl Rabban al-Tabari, , tr. by A. Mingana D.D.
Publisher: University Press
Number Of Pages: 198
Publication Date: 1922-01-01
6.3 mb rar.ed bookmarked djvu, P. 1922. To see bookmarks click on 'Outline' on left side of djvu page.

Abu al-Hasan Ali ibn Sahl Rabban al-Tabari (Persian: علی ابن سهل ربان طبری) (c. 838–c. 870 CE) was a Muslim hakim, scholar, physician and psychologist of Persian Jewish or Zoroastrian descent from Tabarestan, who produced the first encyclopedia of medicine. He was a pioneer of pediatrics and the field of child development. His stature, however, was eclipsed by his more famous pupil, Muhammad ibn Zakarīya Rāzi ("Rhazes").

Ali became an Islamic convert under the Abbassid caliph Al-Mu'tasim (833-842), who took him into the service of the court, in which he continued under Al-Mutawakkil (847-861). His father Sahl ibn Bishr was a famous Astrologer.
Ali ibn Sahl was fluent in Syriac and Greek, the two sources for the medical tradition of antiquity. His works are:

1. Firdous al-Hikmah ("Paradise of Wisdom"), which he wrote in Arabic. Called also Al-Kunnash was a system of medicine in seven parts, He also translated it into Syriac to give it wider usefulness. The information in Firdous al-Hikmah has never entered common circulation in the West because it was not edited until the 20th century, when Mohammed Zubair Siddiqui assembled an edition using the five surviving partial manuscripts. There is still no English translation.
2. Tuhfat al-Muluk ("The King's Present")
3. a work on the proper use of food, drink, and medicines.
4. Hafzh al-Sihhah ("The Proper Care of Health"), following Greek and Indian authorities.
5. Kitab al-Ruqa ("Book of Magic or Amulets")
6. Kitab fi al-hijamah ("Treatise on Cupping")
7. Kitab fi Tartib al-'Ardhiyah ("Treatise on the Preparation of Food")

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Muhammad Saleh al-Munajjid
Language: English
Format: PDF
Pages: 23 | Size: 1 MB

This book deals with the rulings on I'tikaaf. This is done during the last ten nights of Ramadhan and the mu'takhif (person performing I'tikaaf) secludes himself in the masjid for that duration concentrating soley in pursuing the please of Allah (swt).

Aptly described as an experience one never forgets in life. I’tikaaf means staying in the mosque for a specific purpose, which is to worship Allaah (may He be glorified). It is prescribed in Islam and is mustahabb according to the consensus of the scholars. Imaam Ahmad said, as was narrated from him by Abu Dawood: “I have not heard from any of the scholars that it is anything other than Sunnah.”

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Iran in the Ancient East: Archaeological Studies Presented in the Lowell Lectures ar Boston.


By Ernest E. Herzfeld
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Pages: 357
Publication Date: 1941
ISBN-10 / ASIN: B000WW6MP8
 21 mb rar.ed bookmarked B/W pdf, 357 pgs.: Misses Preface (1 page) & Index (2 pgs).

Ernst Emil Herzfeld (July 23, 1879–January 20, 1948) was an German archaeologist and Iranologist.
Herzfeld was born in Celle, Province of Hanover. He studied architecture in Munich and Berlin, while also taking classes in Assyriology, ancient history and art history.

1903-05 he was assistant to Walter Andrae in the acclaimed excavations of Assur, and later traveled widely in Iraq and Iran at the beginning of the twentieth century. He surveyed and documented many historical sites in Turkey, Syria, Persia (later Iran) and most importantly in Iraq (e.g. Baghdad, Ctesiphon).

At Samarra he carried out the first excavations of an Islamic period site in 1911-13. After military service during World War I he was appointed full professor for "Landes- und Altertumskunde des Orients" in Berlin in 1920. This was the first professorship for Near/Middle Eastern archaeology in the world. 1923-25 he started explorations in Persia and described many of the countries´ most important ruins for the first time. In 1925 he moved to Tehran and stayed there most of the time until 1934. He was instrumental in creating a Persian law of antiquities and excavated in the Achaemenid capitals Pasargadae and Persepolis.

He left Iran at the end of 1934 for a year in London, but never returned. In 1935 he was forced, for political reasons, to leave his position in Germany and became a faculty member of the Institute for Advanced Study from 1936 to 1944. He died in Basel, Switzerland in 1948.
Literary works:

    * Iranische Felsreliefs, 1910
    * Archäologische Reise im Euphrat- und Tigris-Gebiet, 4 Vols., 1911-1920 (together with Friedrich Sarre
    * Paikuli, 2 Vols., 1924
    * Die Ausgrabungen von Samarra, 5 Vols., 1923-1930
    * Archaeological History of Iran, (Schweich Lectures for 1934)
    * Altpersische Inschriften, 1938
    * Iran in the ancient East, 1940
    * Zoroaster and his world, 2 Vols., 1947

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The Reality Of Sufism In Light Of The Qur’aan And Sunnah


Muhammed ibn Rabee’ al-Madkhalee | Language: English | Format: PDF | Pages: 29 | Size: 1 MB

“…You must be aware that there are a number of destructive calls which have been established amongst the ranks of the Muslims and which have shaken and damaged the beliefs held in their hearts. They have polluted the pure Islamic ‘aqeedah, and have grown by stages to reach such a dangerous level that they have led to the splitting of the Muslims into sects and parties, about which the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: Indeed those who were before you, from the People of the Book, split into seventy-two sects, and this religion will split into seventy-three.

Seventy-two in the Fire and one in Paradise, and it is the Jamaa’ah… Then there is no doubt that each one of these sects claims for itself that it is the saved sect, and that it is correct, and that it alone follows the Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him).

But the way of truth is a single way and it is the one which leads to salvation, and any other way is one of the ways of misguidance which leads to destruction...So the way of truth is to cling to the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of Allaah’s Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) as occurs in the hadeeth: I have left amongst you two things with which you will not go astray:
The Book of Allaah and my Sunnah, and they will not be separated till they come to me at the Pond.”

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GOD Arises: Evidence Of God In Nature & Science


Maulana Wahiddudin Khan | Language: English | Format: PDF | Pages: 312 | Size: 11 MB

This book, the result of 30 years of exhaustive research, attempts to present the basic teachings of religion in the light of modern knowledge and in a manner consistent with modern scientific methods.

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What Everyone Needs to Know about Islam


By John L. Esposito
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
Pages: 224 Publication Date: 2002-11-01
 ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0195157133
rar'd pdf (high quality, with bookmarks) | 457.67 KB

John Esposito has written an excellent reference on Islam and Muslim culture for laypeople. He has organized his book into an easy question-and-answer format so readers can skip to whatever topic they want to know about. Very important questions people have about Islam are answered directly and concisely.

His writing reflects his deep knowledge of Islam and engagement with Muslims. He is very respectful of Islam and tries to place controversial issues within their proper context. As a result, this work is a much-needed attempt to build bridges of understanding between Muslims and non-Muslims. Too often have some Western writers written about Islam with the sole intention of damning or criticizing it. Esposito, on the other hand, approaches Islam in a neutral and objective way. He seeks to explain Islam and Muslims rather than condemn them.

Overall, I recommend this book to both Muslims and non-Muslims. For non-Muslims, this book will explain what they must know about Islam in order to avoid falling into ignorant bigotry against Muslims. On the other hand, Muslims will appreciate Esposito's expert articulation of many issues in the Muslim world today.

The title says it all. This is what everyone must know about Islam, both Muslims and non-Muslims. So if you really want to learn about Islam, this is a great book to start with.

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The Mosque: The Heart of Submission (Abrahamic Dialogues)


By Rusmir Mahmutcehajic, William Chittick,
Publisher: Fordham University Press
Pages: 128 Publication Date: 2006-04-01
ISBN / ASIN: 0823225844
PDF -> WinRAR -> 384,9 KB

A 'must' for any who would understand modern Islamic sentiments

The Mosque: The Heart Of Submission could have been featured in our Spirituality section, but is reviewed here for its central importance in any consideration of Muslim thinking, religious or otherwise. Mahmutcehajic surveys ways in which the mosque differs from the Christian church, considering its unique place in Muslim tradition as a stand-alone image without an institutionalized hierarchy.

It holds importance throughout Muslim society and thus religious concepts of upward bliss, mercy, and God move from the Mosque well beyond the usual boundaries into the heart of social structure.

This survey of its symbolism and meaning is a 'must' for any who would understand modern Islamic sentiments.

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