PDF | Islamic Philosophy and Theology


By W. Montgomery Watt
Publisher: Edinburgh at the University Press
Pages: 196, Publication Date: 1962
PDF (scaned), 11872 KB

Description Events are making clear to ever-widening circles of readers the need for something more than a superficial knowledge of non-European cultures. In particular, the blossoming into independence of numerous African states, many of which are largely Muslim or have a Muslim head of state, has made clear the growing political importance of the Islamic world, and, as a result, the desirability of extending and deepening the understanding and appreciation of this great segment of mankind.

Islamic philosophy and theology are looked at together in a chronological framework in this volume. From a modern standpoint, this juxtaposition of the two disciplines is important for the understanding of both; but it should be realized at the outset that it is a reversal of the traditional Islamic procedure. Not merely were the disciplines different, but in the earlier centuries the exponents were two different sets of persons, trained in two different educational traditions, each with its own separate institutions. There was little personal contact between philosophers and theologians, and the influence of the two disciplines on one another was largely by way of polemics.

Eventually while philosophy died out as a separate discipline in the Islamic world, many parts of it were incorporated in theology.This work is designed to give the educated reader something more than can be found in the usual popular books.

The work undertakes to survey a special part of the field, and to show the present stage of scholarship. Where there is a clear picture this will be given; but where there are gaps, obscurities and differences of opinion, these will also be indicated. This work is brilliant in its design, style, and intimate understanding. It is a must read for specialists and policy makers alike.

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Empire of the Islamic World (Great Empires of the Past)


By Robin Doak

Publisher: Chelsea House Publications
Pages: 144, Publication Date: 2009-11
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1604131616
rar pdf 13.1 MB

While Europe was in the Dark Ages, classical learning from ancient Greece, Rome, and Persia was being preserved and advanced in Islamic libraries and universities. From 632 to 1258, the Islamic Empire was the most powerful and cultured domain in the world.

Less than a century after its founding, the empire had grown from a loose confederation of desert tribes into the largest empire in the history of the world, larger than the mighty Roman Empire at its peak. "Empire of the Islamic World, Revised Edition" opens with a brief summary of the Islamic Empire, and gives a sense of the world and geographic area in the years leading up to the empire.

The book continues by exploring the empire's society, culture, and daily life including architecture and art; astronomy and mathematics; customs, holidays, sports, and foods; government systems; industry and trade; language and literature; military structure and strategy; and, mythology and religious beliefs.

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The Creation of the Universe


By Hârun Yahya

Publisher: Al-Attique
Pages: 216, Publication Date: 2000-11
ISBN / ASIN: 189426438X
RAR File-Size: 3.58 MB

Ruling over the world of science in the 19th century, the materialist philosophy had proposed that the universe is an uncontrolled heap of matter that existed since infinite time. The discoveries made in the 20th century, however, entirely refuted this materialist claim.

Today, science has proven that the universe had a beginning, that is, it was created from nothing. With this beginning called the Big Bang, both matter and time were created from nothing. Moreover, all physical balances of the universe from the rate of the explosion (Big Bang), to the values of the four basic forces of physics, from the nuclear reactions in stars to the structure of atom, are tailored to support human life.

The physical and chemical properties of atoms such as carbon and oxygen, or molecules such as water are ordered to make human life possible. Shortly put, there is no room for coincidence in the universe. The entire universe is created according to a certain purpose and in a glorious equilibrium, harmony and order.

This is the exalted and flawless creation of God, the Lord of All the Worlds.

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Atlas Of Creation (Volume-1)


By Harun Yahya

Publisher: Global Publishing
Pages: 870, Publication Date: 2007
ISBN-10 / ASIN: B000U37CWQ
3 parts for volume one. 3 winrar files total of about 32MB

The fossil record is perhaps the most important evidence that demolishes the theory of evolution's claims. Fossils reveal that life forms on Earth have never undergone even the slightest change and have never developed into one another.

Examining the fossil record, we see that living things are exactly the same today as they were hundreds of millions of years agoin other words, that they never underwent evolution. Even during the most ancient periods, life forms emerged suddenly with all their complex structureswith the perfect and superior features, just as do their counterparts today.

This demonstrates one indisputable fact: Living things did not come into being through the imaginary processes of evolution. All the living things that have ever existed on Earth were created by God. This fact of creation is once again revealed in the traces left behind them by flawless living things.

This book will provide you with not only such information as what fossils are and where and how they are found, but also a closer examination of a variety of fossil specimens, millions of years old, that are still able to declare, "We never underwent evolution; we were created." The fossils discussed and illustrated in this book are just a few examples of the hundreds of millions of specimens that prove the fact of creation. And even these few are enough to prove that the theory of evolution is a major hoax and deception in the history of science.

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Harun Yahya : Allah is Known Through Reason


By Harun Yahya,
Publisher: Goodword Books
Pages: 208, Publication Date: 2000-01-01
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 8187570059
PDF | 3.73 MB

How does one approach Allah? How does one appreciate His benevolence and awe-inspiring mercy? How does Allah reveal Himself to His noblest creation? These are among the significant themes elaborated in this illuminating work by the prolific Turkish author, Harun Yahya.

Yahya demonstrates persuasively that belief in a transcendental deity is not abhorrent to human reason. The proper exercise of our God-given reasoning faculty in a humble and sincere manner devoid of egoism will lead to a profound appreciation of the Divine.

This book expounds the Islamic philosophy that stresses the fundamental agreement between religion and modern science. I thank Allah for enabling me to appreciate His bountiful mercies as evidenced in this book. I pray that Harun Yahya may live a long and fruitful life to continue his blessed endeavors.

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The Theory and Practice of Islamic Terrorism: An Anthology


By Marvin Perry, Howard E. Negrin

Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
Pages: 268, Publication Date: 2008-10-15
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0230606628
pdf with cover & bookmarks in .zip 1.497 MB

Drawing from a variety of sources, this anthology encourages readers to explore the multiple dimensions of Islamic terrorism and seeks to promote a better understanding of one of the most complicated and urgent problems facing the world today.

Divided into six parts, the book deals with the theological and ideological background of the concept of jihad, the policies and organization of Al Qaeda, various policy recommendations for combating terrorism, the motivations of suicide bombers, the dilemma jihadists pose in Western countries, and the adoption of classical European and anti-Semitic myths for political and religious gain in segments of the Muslim world.

With excerpts ranging from works by Sayyid Qutb to Osama bin Laden to Nonie Darwish, this book is a must-have for anyone interested in or studying Islamic terrorism.

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Civil Islam | Robert W. Hefner


Publisher: Princeton University Press
Pages: 312, Publication Date: 2000-08-15
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0691050465
Size ~0.96 MB (in RAR archive)

Description: "Civil Islam" tells the story of Islam and democratization in Indonesia, the world's largest Muslim nation. Challenging stereotypes of Islam as antagonistic to democracy, this study of courage and reformation in the face of state terror suggests possibilities for democracy in the Muslim world and beyond.

Democratic in the early 1950s and with rich precedents for tolerance and civility, Indonesia succumbed to violence. In 1965, Muslim parties were drawn into the slaughter of half a million communists. In the aftermath of this bloodshed, a "New Order" regime came to power, suppressing democratic forces and instituting dictatorial controls that held for decades.

Yet from this maelstrom of violence, repressed by the state and denounced by conservative Muslims, an Islamic democracy movement emerged, strengthened, and played a central role in the 1998 overthrow of the Soeharto regime. In 1999, Muslim leader Abdurrahman Wahid was elected President of a reformist, civilian government.

In explaining how this achievement was possible, Robert Hefner emphasizes the importance of civil institutions and public civility, but argues that neither democracy nor civil society is possible without a civilized state.

Against portrayals of Islam as inherently antipluralist and undemocratic, he shows that Indonesia's Islamic reform movement repudiated the goal of an Islamic state, mobilized religiously ecumenical support, promoted women's rights, and championed democratic ideals.

This broadly interdisciplinary and timely work heightens our awareness of democracy's necessary pluralism, and places Indonesia at the center of our efforts to understand what makes democracy work.

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Muslim Democrat, Indonesian President: (Abdurrahman Wahid), A View from the Inside


By Greg Barton

Publisher: UNSW Press
Pages: 414, Publication Date: 2002-01
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0868404055
Zip'd ~ 19 Mb

Description: In humiliating circumstances, Indonesia's fourth president, Abdurrahman Wahid was forced from office in August 2001 after less than two years in the job. Wahid, almost blind and physically weak after a number of strokes, was widely misunderstood in the West, even being seen as a somewhat comical figure.

But in Indonesia the Muslim scholar affectionately known as Gus Dur to millions of people had long been revered by many of his countrymen and highly respected by the country's elites. His life had been one of great public service to his fellow citizens, his religion and his belief in liberal democracy. In this authorised biography, much of it based on unique first-hand observation, Greg Barton introduces us to both the man and his world and attempts to make sense of his controversial public career and presidency.

Barton has known Wahid since 1989, when he started researching the influence of Islamic liberalism in Indonesia, and has subsequently spend many months with his subject, including seven months during Wahid's 21-month presidency, both in Indonesia and travelling with him abroad.

Anyone who is at all interested in the drama of modern Indonesia will find this view from the inside to be an essential read.

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