Publisher: Routledge
Pages: 220, Date: 2006-04-19
ISBN-10 : 0415274079, PDF 2.14 MB
With the increasing Muslim diaspora in post-modern Western societies, Sufism - intellectually as well as sociology - may eventually become Islam itself due to its versatile potential, especially in the wake of what has been called the failure of political Islam world-wide.
Sufism in the West provides a timely account of this subject and is primarily concerned with the latest developments in the history of Sufism and elaborates the ideas and institutions which organize Sufism and folk-religious practices.
The topics discussed include:
· The orders and movements
· Their social base
· Organization and institutionalization
· Recruitment-patterns in new environments
· Channels of disseminating ideas, such as ritual, charisma, and organization
· Reasons for their popularity among certain social groups
· The nature of their affiliation with the countries of their origin
Sufism in the West is essential reading for students and academics with research interests in Islam, Islamic History and Social Anthropology.
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